
Did you know? Kiss means “pee” in Swedish.

Sophia Williams Sophia Williams Oct 23, 2021 · 1 min read
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Did you know that the word “Kiss” has an entirely different meaning in Swedish? In Sweden, the word “Kiss” is used to describe the act of peeing or urination.

While the English language uses the word “Kiss” to describe the intimate act of touching lips, Swedish speakers might find it strange that the word has such a different connotation in other cultures.

Although it may cause confusion for foreign visitors, the word “Kiss” is a common and widely used term in Sweden that can be heard in everyday conversations. Tourists are often stunned to learn that a seemingly innocent word can mean something so different in another language.

The origin of the Swedish word “Kiss” stems from the Old Norse term “kisa,” which means “to urinate.” While it may seem odd to visitors, it speaks to the country’s longstanding tradition of embracing frank and open discussions about bodily functions.

Interestingly, Swedish speakers have created a plethora of colourful euphemisms and alternative words to avoid awkward situations. Loosely translated, these Swedish phrases include “make water”, “visit Miss Rhea”, “do a Cheeta”, “take a little walk” and “water station break.”

The difference in language highlights the intricacies and uniqueness of the way people across cultures communicate; what may mean one thing in one country can mean something completely different in another. It’s a great reminder that words have immense power, and it’s our duty to be mindful of the various ways in which they can be interpreted by others.

In conclusion, if you plan to visit Sweden or pick up Swedish as a language, it’s important to be aware that the innocent-sounding word “Kiss” carries an entirely different meaning than what you might be used to. Nevertheless, it provides a fascinating insight into the idiosyncrasies of language and culture, and serves as a reminder of how important it is to take context into account while communicating across borders.

Sophia Williams
Written by Sophia Williams
Always exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries.