In the heart of Yukon, Canada, nestled in the picturesque town of Dawson City, lies a bar that proudly boasts serving one of the strangest and most infamous cocktails in the world - the “Sourtoe cocktail.” This peculiar concoction is not for the faint-hearted, as it consists of a shot of whisky garnished with an actual preserved human toe floating in the glass. Astonishingly, an estimated 60,000 adventurous souls have willingly embraced this bizarre drinking experience.
The tale behind the Sourtoe cocktail dates back to 1973, when a man named Captain Dick Stevenson found a severed toe in an old cabin. Guided by a mischievous sense of humor, he decided to bring the toe to a local bar, the Downtown Hotel, and challenge the patrons to drink with the toe in their glass. Thus began one of the most intriguing traditions in the world of mixology.
Since its inception, the parameters for consuming a Sourtoe cocktail have been unique and simple yet strictly enforced. The most important rule is that the toe must touch the drinker’s lips, but accidentally swallowing it is considered a grave offense. Those who succeed in bringing the whisky-laden lip-to-toe contact receive a certificate of achievement, along with the honor of joining the club of brave imbibers known as the “Sourtoe cocktail club.”
Over the years, the Sourtoe cocktail has become a cornerstone of Dawson City’s identity, attracting curious travelers from all corners of the globe. Many visit the town specifically to partake in this unusual rite of passage. The ritual is even more special due to the scarcity of human toes available for the purpose. Freezing temperatures and sheer accidents have caused a diminishing supply, generating a sense of exclusivity and mystique around the drink.
Preserving the toes is a delicate and meticulous process. Initially, the toes were pickled in salt for six months, but in recent times, the bar has relied on alcohol preservation methods, specifically in medical-grade alcohol like isopropanol. The toe used in the cocktail is a donated appendage, given either by those who have lost their toes for medical reasons or by generous individuals who have requested to bequeath their own post-death, ensuring their legacy lives on in a unique and outlandish manner.
Suffice it to say, the Sourtoe cocktail has its fair share of controversies and mishaps. Over the years, various toes have been stolen, swallowed, or deliberately damaged, prompting the bar to institute strict penalties for such behavior. One daring patron actually managed to swallow the toe intentionally, earning a hefty fine of $2,500 but cementing their place in the annals of Sourtoe cocktail history.
While consuming a drink with a human toe may sound grotesque or even macabre, the Sourtoe cocktail represents something far greater for those who dare to try it. It is a testament to the human spirit of adventure, eccentricity, and the unrelenting pursuit of unique experiences. Sitting at that bar in the Yukon, with the legendary toe floating in your glass, an intense adrenaline rush and a sense of camaraderie fill the air as you become part of an elite group of individuals who have conquered their fears and imbibed in the extraordinary.
Though the Sourtoe cocktail may send shivers down the spines of many, there is no denying the allure and magnetism it holds for those willing to embrace the bizarre. It stands as a testament to our unwavering curiosity and our ability to transform peculiar discoveries into legendary traditions. For those intrepid enough to try it, this peculiar drink with a human toe floating in the glass becomes a unique and unforgettable tale to share with friends and loved ones for years to come.