
Is the movie A Hidden Life (2019) based on a true story?

Sophia Williams Sophia Williams Nov 08, 2018 · 2 mins read
Is the movie A Hidden Life (2019) based on a true story?
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Yes, the movie A Hidden Life (2019) is based on the true story of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer and conscientious objector during World War II who refused to pledge allegiance to Hitler and the Nazi regime. He was eventually executed by the Nazis in 1943 for his refusal to fight in the war.

What is the true story behind the movie A Hidden Life (2019)?

The movie A Hidden Life (2019) is based on the true story of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer and devout Catholic who refused to fight for the Nazi army during World War II. Jägerstätter was drafted in 1943 and, upon being called up for military service, refused to swear allegiance to Adolf Hitler and fight in the war. He acknowledged the risks of his decision, recognizing that he would likely be executed if he refused to comply.

Despite the advice of local clergy and even his own wife, who implored him to avoid confrontation and comply with the Nazi regime, Jägerstätter remained steadfast in his principles and was ultimately arrested and tried for treason by the Nazi government. He was found guilty and sentenced to death, and he was executed by beheading in August 1943 at the age of 36, leaving behind his wife and three young daughters.

Jägerstätter’s story has since been appreciated as an example of courage in the face of tyranny and totalitarianism. He was beatified by the Catholic Church in 2007, and the movie A Hidden Life (2019) portrays his personal journey and sacrifice in a powerful and resonant way.

Are there any books about the true story behind the movie A Hidden Life (2019)?

Yes, there is a book titled “Franz Jägerstätter: Letters and Writings from Prison” by Franz Jägerstätter, Erna Putz, and Thomas Merton. This book contains the real-life writings and letters of Franz Jägerstätter, the protagonist of the movie “A Hidden Life”, who was an Austrian conscientious objector and refused to pledge loyalty to Hitler during World War II. The book provides insight into Jägerstätter’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences during his imprisonment and execution.

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Sophia Williams
Written by Sophia Williams
Always exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries.