
Is the movie Miracles from Heaven (2016) based on a true story?

Olivia Thompson Olivia Thompson Oct 15, 2017 · 1 min read
Is the movie Miracles from Heaven (2016) based on a true story?
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Yes, Miracles from Heaven (2016) is based on a true story. It is based on the memoir of the same name by Christy Beam, which recounts the miraculous recovery of her daughter Anna from a rare digestive disorder.

What is the true story behind the movie Miracles from Heaven (2016)?

Miracles from Heaven is based on the true story of Annabel Beam, a young girl who was diagnosed with a rare and incurable digestive disorder called pseudo-obstruction motility disorder. Despite numerous surgeries and treatments, Annabel’s condition continued to worsen, and her family was left feeling helpless.

One day, Annabel had an accident in which she fell 30 feet inside a hollowed-out tree. Miraculously, she was found unharmed after being trapped for several hours. Even more miraculously, after her rescue, Annabel began to experience a remarkable improvement in her health. Her symptoms almost entirely disappeared, and she no longer needed medication or surgeries.

Annabel and her family attributed her healing to a miraculous experience during her time trapped in the tree. She reported seeing and speaking with Jesus, and feeling a sense of peace and comfort that helped to heal her body and spirit.

Annabel’s story became the subject of a book, also titled Miracles from Heaven, which was written by her mother Christy Beam. The book was then adapted into a film, directed by Patricia Riggen and starring Jennifer Garner as Christy. The film was released in 2016.

Olivia Thompson
Written by Olivia Thompson
Making a difference, one step at a time.