
'Memory is the old, and it is afraid of the new' - Osho

Sophia Williams Sophia Williams Dec 31, 2019 · 3 mins read
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Osho, the spiritual teacher and philosopher, once said, “Memory is the old, and it is afraid of the new.” This quote holds a profound truth about the nature of human memory and its relationship with change.

Memory is a powerful tool that we use to store and retrieve information about our past experiences. It helps us navigate through the world by learning from our mistakes, remembering important events, and recognizing patterns. However, despite its usefulness, memory can also hold us back from embracing new ideas and experiences.

As human beings, we have a natural inclination towards the familiar and the comfortable. We tend to cling to what we know and resist anything that challenges our established beliefs and ways of thinking. This tendency is reflected in our memories, which are often biased towards our past experiences and perceptions.

When we encounter something new, our memory is often the first line of defense against it. We try to fit the new experience into our preexisting mental models and filter it through the lens of our past experiences. This process can lead to confirmation bias, where we selectively remember things that align with our existing beliefs and ignore or forget things that challenge them.

This fear of the new can be particularly limiting in today’s fast-changing world. With technological advancements and social changes happening at an unprecedented pace, we need to be open and adaptable to new ideas and ways of being. However, if we are constantly held back by our memories, we may miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and transformation.

To overcome this fear of the new, we need to learn to challenge our own assumptions and embrace the unknown. We can do this by consciously seeking out new experiences, actively listening to different perspectives, and being open to new ideas. When we approach the world with a spirit of curiosity and openness, we can break free from the limitations of our memories and find new ways of being in the world.

In conclusion, Osho’s quote “Memory is the old, and it is afraid of the new” highlights an important truth about the nature of human memory. While memory is a powerful tool, it can also hold us back from embracing new ideas and experiences. By challenging our own assumptions and embracing the unknown, we can break free from the limitations of our memories and find greater growth and transformation.

Who is “Osho”?

Osho was an Indian spiritual teacher and mystic who gained popularity in the late 20th century for his teachings on meditation, personal growth, and spirituality. His real name was Chandra Mohan Jain, but he was also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during his lifetime. Osho is best known for his numerous books, meditation techniques, and controversial lifestyle choices, which included a large collection of Rolls-Royces and a commune in Oregon, USA.

Are there any books about “Osho”?

Yes, there are many books written about Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Some popular titles include “The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within” by Osho, “The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of the Supreme” by Osho, “Osho Zen Tarot: The Transcendental Game of Zen” by Osho, and “Osho: The First Buddha in the Dental Chair” by writer and journalist Swami Anand Swabhav.

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Sophia Williams
Written by Sophia Williams
Always exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries.